Infertility specialists and researchers are constantly looking for new ways to help patients realize their dream of a successful pregnancy. This drive for improvement has led to many new developments in the science of Assisted Reproductive Technologies and in the tools available to fertility clinics.
Every now and then there is a breakthrough which offers new hope. The EmbryoScope is a perfect example.This high-tech device is used in the IVF laboratory during the incubation period between fertilization and implantation.
每隔一段时间就会有新的突破,给人们带来新的希望。EmbryoScope 就是一个很好的例子。这种高科技设备用于试管婴儿实验室从受精到植入的孵化期。
The EmbryoScope allows infertility specialists to monitor the progress of fertilized embryos around the clock without removing them from the protected incubator. This gives doctors and patients insight into how the embryo is developing. For many patients, it has improved their chances of achieving a pregnancy.
通过 EmbryoScope,不孕不育专家可以全天候监控受精胚胎的发育进程,而无需将其从受保护的培养箱中取出。这使医生和患者能够深入了解胚胎的发育情况。对许多患者来说,这增加了他们怀孕的机会。
How does it work?
After the egg retrieval procedure, the eggs and sperm (from the partner or donor) are mixed together in the IVF lab so that fertilization may occur. The embryos that are created need to be placed need to be placed in the protected environment of an incubator. The EmbryoScope is a special type of Time-lapse incubator which supplies the ideal environmental conditions for embryos to grow outside the body. With the EmbryoScope, the embryos stay in the incubator throughout the 5-7 day incubation period.
取卵程序结束后,卵子和精子(来自伴侣或捐献者)将在试管婴儿实验室混合在一起,以便受精。受精后的胚胎需要放置在孵化器的保护环境中。EmbryoScope 是一种特殊的延时培养箱,可为胚胎在体外生长提供理想的环境条件。使用 EmbryoScope,胚胎在 5-7 天的孵化期内都会待在孵化器中。
The Embryoscope takes pictures of the embryo every ~10 minutes. These images are then strung together into a small time lapse movie. This allows an embryologist to monitor the cell divisions and advancement of each embryo constantly while the embryo is still safe in the incubator.
胚胎镜每隔约 10 分钟拍摄一次胚胎图像。然后,这些图像会被串联成一个小的延时影片。这样,胚胎学家就能在胚胎还安全地待在培养箱中时,持续监控每个胚胎的细胞分裂和发育情况。
Being able to watch the embryos grow without exposing them to conditions outside the incubator is a huge benefit, but it is only the beginning. Learning algorithms are constantly searching the data for patterns, and growing evidence suggests that there are certain key time points in development that are tied to positive or negative results.
This means that the EmbryoScope can help an embryologist predict a lot about the further development and pregnancy potential of each embryo. These crucial developmental changes can only be observed with the help of the EmbryoScope’s time lapse camera.
这意味着,EmbryoScope 可以帮助胚胎学家预测每个胚胎的进一步发育和怀孕潜力。只有借助 EmbryoScope 的延时摄影机才能观察到这些关键的发育变化。
With the aid of this priceless information, the very best embryos can be selected by the Embryologists for transfer. Patients can achieve greater success, in a shorter time frame which can make all the difference.

How are embryos selected without the EmbryoScope?
In a routine IVF cycle, the fertilization process occurs in the same way, with retrieved eggs and sperm combined in a sterile dish filled with a special culture medium for growth. The embryos are cultured in a standard micro-incubator, which copies the conditions inside a woman’s body. In standard IVF, the embryos are removed from the incubator at set intervals to check on their development under a microscope.
These periodic observations allow embryologists to tell which embryos are most likely to do well when transferred back to the patient’s uterus, resulting in pregnancy.
As soon as the embryologist has completed each examination, the embryos must be returned to the incubator as quickly as possible to avoid any potential damage to the developing cells while they are out of the incubator.
What are the advantages of the EmbryoScope?
As we said before, the EmbryoScope is a sophisticated way to improve the embryo selection process. It can help experts identify potential valuable information about the embryo, the way it is developing, and its potential to survive transfer and implant, all while keeping the embryo in the best culture condition.
正如我们之前所说,EmbryoScope 是改进胚胎选择过程的一种先进方法。它可以帮助专家识别有关胚胎、胚胎发育方式以及胚胎在移植和植入过程中存活潜力的潜在有价值信息,同时使胚胎处于最佳培养状态。
Keeping the embryo in this controlled and protected environment at all times helps to eliminate risks involved in moving and examining developing embryos but allowing all the potential for the selection of the best embryo for transfer.

Which patients will benefit from the use of the EmbryoScope?
Research has shown that while the EmbryoScope offers an improvement in results for all patients, the greatest improvement is among patients who repeatedly produce multiple abnormally developing embryos. As the only west-coast clinic with an EmbryoScope, SCRC is better able to serve patients.
研究表明,虽然胚胎显微镜可改善所有患者的治疗效果,但改善最大的是反复产生多个发育异常胚胎的患者。作为西海岸唯一一家拥有胚胎显微镜的诊所,SCRC 能够更好地为患者服务。
Although the technology can be used for any and all types of patients to improve their time to pregnancy, its benefits are best seen when we prioritize the normally developing embryos over embryos that have done incorrect or abnormal developmental processes during incubation. Without the use of the EmbryoScope the embryologist is not able to know if an embryo has followed the normal path of development and has the highest chance to produce a pregnancy.
虽然这项技术可用于任何类型的患者,以延长他们的怀孕时间,但当我们优先考虑发育正常的胚胎,而不是在孵化过程中发育过程不正确或异常的胚胎时,这项技术的优势就体现得淋漓尽致了。如果不使用 EmbryoScope,胚胎学家就无法知道胚胎是否按照正常的路径发育,也就无法知道胚胎是否有最大的机会怀孕。